Product Description
Many nurseries or herb farm businesses can begin life on a small scale in the home garden. It’s often amazing how much can be produced, and the profit that can be made from a few hundred square metres of land. This book arms you with the basic information you need to make a start. It’s easy to read, and provides a rare insight into possibilities – in a way not commonly found in other books.
This is a revised and expanded edition of a book first published by Night Owl Press. It reflects changes in horticultural practice and botanical classification.
1. Which products to grow
2. Management and organisation
3. An overview of propagating techniques
4. Propagating structures
5. Propagating materials and equipment
6. Plant health problems
7. Seed Propagation
8. Vegatative Propagation
9. Propagation of specific plants
10. Herb production
This revised second edition contains a new chapter and is devoted to setting up a commercial herb farm. The ebook deals with capital, land requirements, the distribution and marketing of herbs domestically and overseas; and includes a feasability exercise for intending herb farmers. Further chapters delve into the history of nurseries and provide information on both a herb farm and nursery environment. A directory at the end of the book contains references for suppliers of seed, equipment, media, etc. There is also a comprehensive glossary and easy to follow information guide to available horticultural courses.