Payment Plan Policy
If you are granted a payment plan, the payments continue as per the schedule even when the course work is deferred.
Recovery Costs: It is acknowledged that in the event of default in payment of an amount due to Health Academy Australia will result in a $50 dishonour fee per offence. Repeated failure will result in referral of any resultant debt (inclusive of any accrued interest or other fees whatsoever incurred in accordance with these Conditions of Enrolment) for collection by a mercantile agent plus any additional collection costs incurred. In circumstances where the student has completed the course ahead of paying off for the course the Certificates will be withheld from being issued until the full course payment due is paid.
It is your responsibility to inform Health Academy in writing of any corrections or changes to your personal details including name, address and phone numbers, payment options and banking details.
Refund Policy
Notification of withdrawal from a course must be received in writing within 3 days of enrolment, in order to qualify for a full refund (less postage, handling and administration costs – minimum AUD $50). Within the 3 days of enrolment if the student has accessed the course materials a refund will not be granted and the full course fees are payable.
Recovery action
If you are granted a payment plan, you are liable for all payments even if you discontinue your study. Failure to remit payment may result in the debt being referred to a debt collection agency for recovery and legal action. Costs for this action will be incurred by the debtor and no future Time To Pay plans will be approved.