Terms Of Enrolment
A binding agreement shall arise between you and Health Academy, which shall be governed by Australian law, when you accept the Terms and Conditions by:
- Signing and returning the original copy of the Application of Enrolment Form
or - Making your first course payment when enrolling online
Course Material
Courses, course notes and materials are not to be sold, loaned, copied, or used in any way outside of the pursuit of studying the course by the person who is enrolled in the course, unless permission is sought and granted in writing by the School.
Course Fees
Once enrolment has been accepted, the course fees are due for payment according to the level of study, as detailed below:
- 100 Hour Course: Full course fees are due once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered unless using our payment plan. Students choosing the monthly payment plan will be required to make the first monthly payment once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered and students choosing the weekly payment plan will need to pay the required deposit before receiving access to course materials. The enrolment will expire in 1 year unless an extension has been granted.
- Certificates: These are approximately 6-9 month courses. Full course fees are due once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered unless using our payment plan. Students choosing the monthly payment plan will be required to make the first monthly payment once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered and students choosing the weekly payment plan will need to pay the required deposit before receiving access to course materials. The enrolment will expire in 2 years unless an extension has been granted.
- Advanced Certificates : These are approximately 9-12 month courses. Full course fees are due once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered unless using our payment plan. Students choosing the monthly payment plan will be required to make the first monthly payment once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered and students choosing the weekly payment plan will need to pay the required deposit before receiving access to course materials. The enrolment will expire in 2 years unless an extension has been granted.
- Foundation: These are approximately 18-24 month courses. Full course fees are due once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered unless using our payment plan. Students choosing the monthly payment plan will be required to make the first monthly payment once enrolment has been accepted and before course materials are delivered and students choosing the weekly payment plan will need to pay the required deposit before receiving access to course materials. The enrolment will expire in 3 years unless an extension has been granted.
- Diplomas: These are approximately 24-36 month courses. The course can either be paid in monthly instalments or using our weekly payment plan. The student will not receive access to course materials until the deposit/ first payment has been made. Your enrolment will expire in 3 years unless an extension has been granted.
Course Re-enrolments/Extension
Once your course expires with the free extension applied, you will have to re-enrol paying 50% of the course fee to continue. You will be given same course duration to complete as per your original course.
Course Requirements and Delivery Information
All courses have a requirement of good English and comprehension skills. Any students enrolling in the courses acknowledge this. If a student is having difficulty with English or comprehension then we are happy to refer them to an English course but this does not form grounds for a cancellation or refund.
Course material delivery times vary depending on the delivery method.
- Online: course material will be made available online within 24 hours of first payment..
Payment Plan Policy
If you are granted a payment plan, the payments continue as per the schedule even when the course work is deferred.
Recovery Costs: It is acknowledged that in the event of default in payment of an amount due to Health Academy Australia a $50 dishonour fee will be resulted in per offence. Repeated failure will result in referral of any resultant debt (inclusive of any accrued interest or other fees whatsoever incurred in accordance with these Conditions of Enrolment) for collection by a mercantile agent plus any additional collection costs incurred.
If you are on a payment plan please note that you receive access to the course materials few units at a time or a module at a time, a minimum 50% of course fees need to be paid to get access to more than 50% of the course materials. In circumstances where the student has completed the course ahead of paying off for the course the Certificates will be withheld from being issued until the full course payment due is paid.
It is your responsibility to inform Health Academy in writing of any corrections or changes to your personal details including name, address and phone numbers, payment options and banking details.
Refund Policy
Notification of withdrawal from a course must be received in writing within 3 days of enrolment, in order to qualify for a full refund (less postage, handling and administration costs – minimum AUD $50). Within the 3 days of enrolment if the student has accessed the course materials a refund will not be granted and the full course fees are payable.
Recovery action
If you are granted a payment plan, you are liable for all payments even if you discontinue your study. Failure to remit payment may result in the debt being referred to a debt collection agency for recovery and legal action. Costs for this action will be incurred by the debtor and no future Time To Pay plans will be approved.
Course Materials
Care is taken to ensure that the content of the course materials is accurate, there might be some cases where there is information which is not accurate or unclear, in cases like this Health Academy Australia ensures that this is corrected as soon as possible and amended materials are provided to the student. Spelling and Grammar errors could be there as part of human error as all materials are custom written, this will not compromise the quality of the course content and we normally amend this in our annual review of the materials. Student acknowledges this and accepts this as part of the terms.
Every attempt is made to ensure all information from the school is accurate and that the student has attained the competencies taught in a course, at the point of their assessment. Beyond this point, the graduate is responsible to maintain their acquired competencies, and apply acquired knowledge and skills in a way which is appropriate to the unique characteristics of each application. This will release the school from any liability, action and claims of whatsoever nature in connection with, or arising from any such information instruction or advice, given by any student or ex-student, whether directions given during the course are followed or not.
These Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice. You should always check our website for the current and official version of this agreement.
* Enrolment date is the date which the application for enrolment is received and accepted by the Health Academy Australia.
To apply for RPL please email admin@healthcourses.com.au for an RPL application.
The way the program works is that you will have access to all the course materials online. Once you enrol you will be assigned with a tutor. You will have an assignment at the end of each lesson and you will have to complete the assignment and email it to your tutor for marking. The tutor will mark it with comments and feedback and make sure it is satisfactorily complete and send it back to you. This way the tutor will be able to monitor your progress throughout the course and guide you through it. At the end of the course you will have an exam which is also done via distance. Lot of students find that they have more personal tutor contact this way than a classroom based course where you feel inhibited to ask questions.
Yes. We will assess previous studies to give you appropriate credits. Doing it this way will probably take a little longer and cost more in fees though. If you enrol in one of our Short Courses you can upgrade for just the upgrade fee as long as you haven’t completed the Short Course.
Yes,You can pay in monthly instalments , some administration fees will apply. Email admin@healthcourses.com.au for more details.
Apply for an extension. It’s ok to take a break and start up your study at a later point in time. Just let us know.
You are supplied with all “essential” references. Extra books are always useful though, especially for special projects. Tutors will advise you what to buy if you decide you would like to get any extra books.
Most correspondance with your tutor will be via email, however, you can also request for a phone call from your tutor. Please send all assignments to admin@healthcourses.com.au so Admin can keep a record and you can email any questions you may have about your assignments to your tutors email.
Commonly no more than one year. Some students finish in less than 6 months.
Commonly around 6-9 months, if studying full time; or around two years if studying part time. With dedication, part time students can complete a certificate in one year.
Courses are written to and delivered at a standard that is equal to or higher than degrees offered by some institutions; however, being largely applied or vocationally oriented studies, these cannot be called degrees. Our diploma graduates however have been highly competitive with degree graduates in the workplace.
We are internationally recognised by the International Accreditation and Recognition Council (IARC). In addition, in many respects we are more widely recognised, due to the fact that we have been established and trained students for so long, through all states, and many overseas countries. (Most other colleges tend to operate only in one state or region, and may be poorly recognised outside that area). Close involvement with industry has seen many employers sponsor staff through our courses, and many graduates develop strong careers as leaders in their respective industries.
We are an approved training provider of the International Institute for complementary therapists. You can get Professional Indemnity covers and General Public Liability covers through OAMPS. To see more details on this please Click here
In the past, accredited diplomas involved well over 2000 hours of study, however, under the governments new Australian Qualifications Framework, many TAFE diplomas can be completed in much less time. We believe that the time you spend studying is important to the quality and long term recognition of a qualification. As such, we are maintaining old standards and distinguishing our graduates from those undertaking diplomas in this new system. Short qualifications from other Colleges may in the long term prove meaningless.
If your course requires attendance at workshops; alternative arrangements can be made in your country; however there may be additional expense. We can appoint an appropriately qualified person anywhere to work through curriculum documentation supplied by us, to satisfy the requirements set down in a course.
A lot of people find it hard to understand how a distance education course can be anything more than reading and answering questions. Some are, and if that’s you’re your experience with distance education in the past; this is unfortunate. In reality, distance education has a great deal of flexibility and today can be more practical and relevant to real life than classroom education.
There are a few things to consider:
- New technologies (internet, video, digital photography, cheaper & mobile telecommunications etc) make it possible to overcome many of the isolation and communication problems that used to exist with distance education.
- Funding pressures that have often resulted in a decrease in quantity and quality of practical components in traditional classroom education.
- People today are better networked than ever; and more exposed to visual images than ever (eg. In the past, if someone was studying an animal they had never before seen, the options to see an image of that animal would be virtually nil, unless supplied by their teacher in the classroom. Today people are bombarded by images of virtually everything they could imagine through cable TV, U Tube, web sites, magazines …etc
- Be aware that no course will ever teach you everything! Wherever you study, your course should lay a foundation and framework for you to build on. It should open up opportunities for further learning –to further develop your practical skills, problem solving skills, knowledge, networking, communication abilities etc, within your field of study. Some courses focus heavily on the information; some on assessment more than learning, others focus heavier on the problem solving, and others perhaps on the practical, etc.
- No course can have it’s emphasis on everything; because to emphasise one thing is to de emphasise something else.
- Our courses are “experiential” learning (ie. A concept in education that focuses on learning through experience). Over more than 2 decades, these courses have been developed using feedback and suggestions from both staff and students to create a variety of different ways of building all sorts of learning experiences into the courses. Some are integral and compulsory experiences within a course; others are optional facilities (such as student interaction through the student room directory), which some students use, while others do not use.
- We get our students to do all sorts of hands on and observational tasks throughout courses.
We do not use levels on certificates.
Levels I, II, III etc are systems used for Competency Based Training in both Australia and the UK. (The levels also mean different things in different countries).
We operate with a more sophisticated system (experiential learning).
Eg. Level III for instance means you are competent to perform certain tasks under limited supervision.
Our certificate develops a foundation within the discipline that enables you to develop and grow your capacity to work and solve problems within the discipline. You learn through experience as you study; and the study sets you on a path that encourages ongoing learning through experience after graduation. Our graduates are better prepared to advance in their career, to work alone or with others, etc. This concept is more in keeping with some of the more cutting edge education systems around the world. This contrasts with the CBT system which was popular throughout the 1980’s and perhaps 90’s but is often criticised today by leading educators around the world.
We take this approach because it works better; and on all reports, our graduates are in fact very successful.
About Us
Health Academy Australia has been started by a Medical Practitioner with the aim of providing Health Courses Online for busy people who cannot afford to attend an Institute to upgrade their skills or learn for a new career. Our aim is make the course most affordable but at the same time not compromise on the quality of our courses.
All of our course content has been written by qualified people experts in their fields. Some of our Course content has been sourced by affiliation with ACS Distance Education, Australia’s biggest Distance learning school which has been running courses from the past 30 years. 1000’s of students have undergone our courses successfully and many are successfully employed.
All our tutors are highly qualified and experienced in their fields.
We wish you all the best whether you are contemplating on further education for your career progression or self enhancement. If you need any help please contact us or use our free course counselling service.
Security Policy
When purchasing from Health Academy Australia your financial details are passed through a secure server using the latest 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology.128-bit SSL encryption is almost impossible to break, and is the industry standard. If you have any questions regarding our security policy, please contact us at admin@healthcourses.com.au Please look out for the padlock sign which indicates that the server is secure when enrolling.
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy very seriously, all the details which are collected by us for the purpose of enrolment and study are solely used for that purpose.
Health Academy Australia acknowledges that the privacy of your personal information, and the security of your transactions with us is of paramount importance to us. We have data protection policies to ensure your privacy and data security. The Privacy Policy sets out the rules we will abide by when dealing with personal information we collect from individuals during the course of our business. This policy is based on Australian Privacy Legislation and also complies with the European GDPR (General Data Processing Regulations).
Information we require to supply our services.
1. When you first sign up or make contract with HEALTH ACADEMY for our products or services, or when you make an inquiry about our services, we request information such as your name, address, telephone number, domain name, email, and type of industry you are in. We may also ask for your age and gender. The student is offered the opportunity to provide extra personal information relevant to the subject they are studying, as background information to inform HEALTH ACADEMY staff in a way that can improve the support provided to the student. HEALTH ACADEMY will make every effort to explain the pros and cons of providing such additional info, the fact that such information must be volunteered, and the fact that access to such information is only given to employees of HEALTH ACADEMY in line with laws which HEALTH ACADEMY is obliged to follow.
2. We may also monitor and/or record telephone conversations with you from time to time in order to train staff and to improve our service to you.
3. If you respond voluntarily to our surveys or other interactive communications, we collect the responses and use the information to improve the quality and range of Health Academy products and services.
How Do We Use Personal Information We Have Collected?
We collect and use your personal information to operate our website and deliver our services to you. We will use your personal information to provide you with:
- technical support
- billing and credit control
- sales support
- product upgrades and
- information
- online products and services
You may stop the delivery of future promotional emails from us by following the specific instructions in the email you receive. These instructions will tell you how to remove your name from our promotional email list. These instructions will appear at the BOTTOM of your email. If you experience technical difficulties with removing yourself from a list, you may email us at admin@healthcourses.com.au and request removal from a list and/or future mailing.
We may use your personal information to:
contact you in relation to upgrading your use of our services, special offers (from us, or on behalf of third parties), with newsletters, surveys, and individual service audits.
We will treat all information we collect from you as strictly confidential. Health Academy does not rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. We will not reveal, disclose, sell, distribute, rent, license, share or pass onto any third party (other than those who are contracted or supply services to Health Academy) any personal information that you may have provided to us unless we have your express consent to do so, other than in the circumstances set out in the next paragraph.
3.5 We will disclose your personal information, without notice or your consent, only if:
(a) we are required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to conform with the laws, applicable code of conduct or legal process served on us in relation to our business or website;
(b) to protect and defend the rights or property of Health Academy;
(c) if we consider it necessary to do so in order to enforce or apply the terms of any of our agreements with you;
(d) if we sell our business or part of it; and
(e) in extreme circumstances, to protect the personal safety of users of Health Academy services, its website, our staff or the public.
Often the problem with online study is that you feel you are on your own, and have limited access to resources, to ask questions and obtain assignment feedback.
Health Academy provides the highest level of support possible. Students can:
Email questions and quickly receive an email 7 days a week.
Access additional notes whenever needed.
Post Completion Support
We are pleased to now be offering Post Completion Support to our students. We have a Mentoring Support program which allows you to ask a tutor questions once you have completed your Course through us. For more infomation please visit https://www.healthcourses.com.au/course-category/mentoring-program
We’re always learning new things, from conferences, magazines and journals, internet searches, colleagues and of course student’s assignments.
Staff at the school are continually researching and writing new books, magazine articles and video scripts
This gathered information is used to update course notes.
We offer you more up to date information than you are likely to get from many other schools.
We encourage feedback from students through newsletter questionaires, and contact with tutors.
All necessary course notes and required reading materials
Free Tuition
Assignments marked
Questions answered
Careers and business advice
NOTE: Your course is a comprehensive learning program