Policies and Procedures


Health Academy is an award winning organisation which offers health courses all online with fantastic tutor support and services so that people who are working full time, stay at home parents and those living in remote and regional areas can study and up-skill themselves. Established in 2008 the organisation has seen 1000s of students graduate from their courses with qualifications which make them work place ready.


The principal purpose of Health Academy Australia is to provide education/training, relevant for the industry standards which is attainable from the comfort of home or workplace. We believe everyone has a right t education so keep our courses flexible, affordable and to a high standard with expert tutor support.


Health Academy Australia gives an undertaking to provide only the highest quality professional services.  This means that our Tutors conducting our training programs are well qualified, have extensive experience, an outstanding reputation and are recognised by their peers as being among the best in their field.


We provide a suitable, safe learning environment, with appropriate facilities and equipment, and conduct effective training programs using proven training methods and the most up to date information based on current research.  Anonymous feedback is obtained from learners of our training programs to ensure that we are meeting your needs.


Enrolments are accepted in order of application through an online enrolment process.  The Refund Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy are available online and students are required to read these a prior to confirmation of enrolment.


Notification of withdrawal from a course must be received in writing within 3 days of enrolment*, in order to qualify for a full refund (less postage, handling and administration costs – minimum AUD $100). No refund is available if withdrawal is sort after course commencement (i.e., course materials have been accessed by the student) and the total course cost or the total cost owing will be charged.

Unit Submissions

  • First 3 attempts for an assessment – no charge
  • Further attempts fees might apply up to $50 per attempt
  • Maximum resubmissions allowed – 6 times after which HAA reserves the right to withdraw the student, no refunds will apply.


If the student has been approved for a payment plan and the student completed the course before the payment has been completed the certificates will be issued only after the balance of the course fees are paid.


Short course- 1 year extending free for 3 months on request

Certificates – 2 year extending free for 3 months on request

Advanced Certificates – 2 years extending free for 6 months on request

Diploma  – 3 year extending free for 6 months on request

If you require a further extension you will need to pay 50% of the Course fees to re-enrol which will give you the same course duration again.


We are subject to a variety of legislation related to training and assessment.

This act, the Privacy Act 1988, makes provision to protect the privacy of individuals and to give effect to the right of persons not to be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with their privacy, family, home or correspondence.  This means that you as Learners, are protected by this privacy legislation. Your Learner records are protected, and cannot be supplied to others without your consent.  A procedure exists within our organisation for you to provide approval for release of information should you so desire.  However, no information will be provided without your consent.  For more information, access the following website:


Anti discrimination

This legislation, the Anti-Discrimination Act, 1991 promotes equality of opportunity for everyone, protecting them from unfair discrimination and from sexual harassment, as well as other certain associated objectionable forms of conduct.

In particular, the legislation is aimed at protecting the rights of the four target groups such as women;  people with a disability;  people for non-English speaking backgrounds and people of Aborigine or Torres Strait Island origin.

It is not acceptable for any members of staff, or Learners to engage in any forms of sexual harassment, and any incidents of this type of behaviour should be reported to, and will be dealt with by the Chairman.  For further information, access the following Website:



Workplace Harassment, Victimisation and Bullying

The Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995, and in particular, Work Health and Safety

(Codes of Practice) Notice 2011 states that workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying cover a wide range of behaviours ranging from subtle intimidation to more obvious aggressive tactics, including which result in offence, intimidation and humiliation or threatens workers.  There are a number of behaviours of workplace harassment, victimisation and bullying which are not appropriate and not acceptable and such behaviours should be reported to the Chairman who will act upon these immediately.  For further information, access:


Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995, reprinted as in force on 1 Sept 2010

This legislation, The Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995, applies to all workplaces and work activities in Queensland, and is one which all staff need to be aware of.  The purpose of this Act is to prevent a person’s death, injury or illness being caused by a workplace.  There is a responsibility by both employers and employees to ensure the workplace is safe and any hazards or unsafe practices are identified and acted upon.  Any incidents or issues should be reported to the Chairman if identified by staff.  This policy and procedure is also encompassed in our Quality System.   For further information, access the following website:



Health Academy Australia is committed to providing opportunities to all people for advancement, regardless of their background. We support government policy initiatives and provide access to our training where we can to those who are at a disadvantage, even seeking assistance for learners from relevant agencies or government departments.

Health Academy Australia meets the needs of individuals and the community through the integration of access and equity guidelines, and will apply equity principles to ensure equality of opportunity without discrimination by ensuring that our selection criteria is non-discriminatory, providing fair access to training for disadvantaged people.


If found plagiarizing you risk a period of suspension, a monetary fine, or even expulsion from a course if found guilty of plagiarism. You will also be fully liable for any legal action taken by the owner of material which you plagiarize. The school accepts no legal liability for the actions of its students during or after studies.

Plagiarism is the illegal and/or unethical copying of material without acknowledgment of its source. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and will be penalized. Therefore, it is very important that students understand the differences between plagiarism and acceptable use and interpretation of someone else’s work.

It is acceptable to use information from another source as a minor part of your own work, if the original source is properly referenced (ie. It is made clear where that information came from). It is not acceptable to present work which is substantially little more than an identical copy of information (words or graphics) from another source without acknowledging the source or in such a way that the reader (or tutor) could believe it is your original work.

When we find that students have sent us plagiarized work we send a warning to the student in the first instance, if the student repeats this again the student will be cancelled from the course and no refund will be given. This strict policy is in place so the students achieves the result through their own learnings, preserving the integrity and value of the qualification they have achieved.


Under the above Acts, the Anti-Discrimination Act, 1991 and the Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995, Sexual harassment and anti-discrimination is against the law.  Sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is intimidating, humiliating or offensive.  What constitutes sexual harassment to one person may be acceptable to another.  It is every Learner’s right to a sexual harassment free environment. Where instances of discrimination or harassment occur, they will be investigated in a confidential manner. If proved, the person responsible will be disciplined.  For further information, please visit the following website –



New Learners have an orientation/registration session at the commencement of programs of study. At this time, Learners are given comprehensive information regarding their programs of study, delivery methods, assessment methods and dates and are made familiar with the policies and procedures which will affect you in your study.


Health Academy Australia is committed to providing guidance where possible to assist in meeting your learning needs, by


  1. Providing support from tutors to assist with learning and any queries related to assignments. Access to academic support is provided to students at risk of not making satisfactory course progress.  An academic advisor will establish a support program which may include one or more of the following (but not limited to):
  • Receiving individual case management
  • Receiving mentoring

A record of the intervention measures implemented will be given to the student and a copy kept in the student’s file.

  1. Referring Students to external support agencies or Government Departments for guidance or assistance during and following training eg:
  1. The designated staff member, who will be your official point of contact, is Jackie Wells. She will provide advice, at no additional cost , on access to the above services which are designed to assist students in meeting course requirements and maintaining their coursework.



 Learners are required to observe any lawful direction given by a Health Academy Australia staff member in order to ensure the safety of individuals and the orderly conduct of learning programs delivered by Health Academy Australia.


There is always the potential for accidents and injury when attending training workshops, so we need to be aware of the need for taking precaution to avoid them. The most serious is in relation to emergency evacuation in the event of fire or other hazards.  Your trainer/assessor will advise you of the evacuation procedures in case of an emergency, and we have an Occupational Health and Safety policy for your protection.

All safety precautions are undertaken , and should a safety incident occur, you will be provided with an Incident Report to document the incident and its outcomes.



A complaint is an expression of concern, dissatisfaction or frustration with the quality or delivery of service, a policy or procedure, or the conduct of another person, including another learner, staff member, third parties or tutors. Learners/candidates have the right, as set down in our Student Handbook, to submit any complaints or appeals to Health academy Australia on academic decisions, procedural matters or any issues that directly relate to the successful completion of their course.

This allows for a fair and equitable process for any grievance or complaint.

Students are able to submit a complaint against Health Academy Australia or any person employed by Health Academy Australia if they feel a person has acted inappropriately, or the systems and practices of Health academy Australia are not meeting expectations, or Health Academy Australia is treating a person unfairly. All complaints are handled with confidence and are reviewed by Senior management. Complaints and appeals are at no cost to the student.

A student may also appeal a decision made in relation to a complaint or an assessment outcome. Where a student feels they have been treated unfairly or incorrectly judged and assessed on a specified task, project, or assessment requirement, they may have the decision reviewed by submitting an appeal. Students must provide supporting evidence or explanations as to why they feel the decision or outcome was unfair or why the decision/outcome should be reviewed.

Health Academy Australia supports the learner/candidate’s right to lodge any complaint or appeal and will not restrict that right in any way.


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that complaints and appeals are resolved appropriately.


This policy and procedure applies to all staff of Health Academy Australia. Trainer/assessor staff in particularly should have a clear understanding of this policy and procedure so that they can ensure learner/candidates are aware of this process.



Complaints and appeals may include, but are not limited to, academic matters, discrimination, complaints related to access and conditions, and complaints related to training/assessment or support services or provision of Company facilities. Types of complaints can include but are not limited to:

  • Application procedures
  • Marketing information
  • Training delivery or content
  • Trainers, Assessors, third parties or other staff
  • Assessment methods or assessment content
  • Student progress
  • Issuing of Awards
  • A third-party delivering services on Health Courses Australia’s behalf
  • A student or group of students of Health Courses Australia
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment, bullying or victimisation
  • Breach of privacy
  • Individual conflict arising from perceived inappropriate behaviours
  • Fees or other financial matters
  • Fines and payments.

Complaints of Serious Misconduct or matters of a criminal nature will be referred directly to the appropriate authorities.


  1. Learner/candidates who are dissatisfied with any academic decisions, or procedural issues should submit in writing their complaint or appeal to the CEO within twenty (20) days of the issue or the assessment.
  2. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will conduct an investigation within ten (10) days, assess the situation and take appropriate action to resolve the situation. The complaint will be recorded on the Complaints and Appeals Register, and a copy of the complaint or appeal will be filed together with the register.
  3. If the complaint is related to instruction or assessment, the CEO will arrange a meeting with the trainer/assessor and the learner/candidate to discuss the issue.
  4. Complaints relating to fellow learner/candidates will be handled in the same way, with a meeting between the learner/candidates involved and the CEO.
  5. If any complaint or appeal is not resolved in the above manner, the person making the complaint or appeal should document their issue in writing to the CEO.



An application can be made for RPL when the Learner believes that they have already attained the necessary skills and competencies elsewhere (work, other study etc.).


Health Academy Australia has an assessment policy which is available for your information, that ensures Learners and tutors work together to achieve the training program aims. The following principles will be applied to all assessment:-

  • Validity – a true test, meeting the standards from the training package as well as industry requirements.
  • Reliability – ensuring that assessments are conducted consistently with different groups or individuals to reflect a common standard.
  • Flexibility – adjustments are allowed, tasking into account the varying situations and circumstances of learners, but maintaining a consistent standard.
  • Fairnessmaking allowances to ensure assessment is equitable and overcoming any disadvantage learners might have in relation to disabilities, language and literacy or capacity to apply what they are learning.

 Our policy also includes a requirement that Learners are provided with clear, concise directions for assessment and recording of results.


Once a student has had 3 unsuccessful re-submissions, opportunity will be given to discuss with the trainer and student services regarding the submissions and why student is unable to gain competency, if we notice that after all attempts to help the student, the student is unable to complete the unit to competency HAA reserves the right to withdraw the student with no refunds issued.



Health Academy Australia issues Certificate of Completions for all courses.


If a student makes application to obtain access to their personal records they must do so in writing and provide this written application to Health Academy Australia who will ensure the personal records are provided within seven (7) working days from the date of the application. If a student wishes to allow a third party to access their personal records, they must make application in writing on Form 54.1 “Release of Information to a Third Party”.  Health Academy Australia will provide the information requested within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the application.


We hope you enjoy your time with us!


Vahini Panda

Principal Executive Officer

Health Academy Australia