Who is an Entrepreneur? Simply put Entrepreneurship is starting a business or organisation.
6 Key things which show that you got what it takes:
- Passion for the work you do
- 100% Customer satisfaction
- Achieving results consistently
- A great team leader
- Unique skills
- Taking charge
No money for a startup investment? No problem!
A business does not need to start with office, staff and all the equipment initially. It could be as simple as freelancing your work or skills from home or visiting workplaces and offering your services. This is still your own business and you are in charge and your own boss.
Social Media- Social Media- Social Media
Did you know that F-Commerce (Facebook commerce) is very successful? Why does it work? It just works on the age old theory of word of mouth. If a friend recommends something you go for it without a second thought, this is not because you trust the product but you trust the friend’s judgement. There are thousands of businesses from Costume jewellery to Kids toys, Cupcakes to Party decorations which found great success on FCommerce. Harness the power of social media to get your business off the ground!
Main hurdle to start working for yourself?
You know what the main hurdle to take that first step is? Taking the first step! It takes lot of courage to quit that day job and make your passion your main means of livelihood. The bravado required is nothing less than a soldier going to face war. However if you have confidence on your skills and an encouraging person in your life it is achievable. Doing a course relevant to what you are trying to do will build your confidence level as well as give you better credibility.
Is there a Risk?
Yes starting a business is always risky; it requires not just being good at your job or having a great product, but also great organizational skills, excellent marketing and customer service. Some of these skills can be achieved again by educating yourself. There are many online courses which will help you with these. Check out some of the business courses which could help.
Approached and tackled the right way the scope for success is exponential and could go beyond your dreams! Good Luck!
Vahini Panda is a qualified Nutritionist with a Masters degree in E commerce. Vahini has extensive experience in Online Education, E Marketing and E Commerce. She managed many successful organisations in her experience and currently manages Health Academy Australia and Health Courses Australia.
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