In today’s competitive job market it is essential to have the necessary qualifications & more for your dream job!
Studying a nationally recognised course can help to increase your employability and your chance of promotion within your existing industry, or to join a new one! You can also study a Nationally Recognised course as a pathway into higher qualifications!
Check below some most sought after units and what industries they will give you RPL into. These are just a few, you can find many more at these links Healthcare Courses, Aged Care Courses and Counselling Courses.
Health Courses Australia offers Nationally Recognised Courses in Dentistry, Counselling, Aged Care, Health Care, and Community Support. See some of our most sought after courses below and head to our website for more!
Provide Loss & Grief Support – CHCCC017
Learn how to act and respond to the needs of those suffering from the loss of a loved one. This course is essential for those studying or working in Mental Health, Counselling, Aged Care or Community Support Services. Upon completing this course, students may be applicable to RPL into courses such as the Diploma in Counselling or Mental Health!
Comply with Infection Prevention and Control Policies and Procedures – HLTINF001
Learn the skills required follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks. This course is included in qualifications such as the Certificate III in Dental Assisting and Diploma in Nursing and is essential for all working in the Health Care Industry!
Promote & Manage Diversity – CHCDIV003
This course equips students with the skills and knowledge required to evaluate and promote diversity in the workplace, and to contribute to the planning of diversity policies and procedures. Planning on completing studies such as the Diploma in Community Services, Diploma in Counselling or Certificate IV in Ageing Support? You can receive RPL for this unit!
Communicate and Work in Health or Community Services – CHCCOM005
Learn the skills needed to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers. This unit is in over 40 nationally recongised Certificate and Diploma courses such as the Certificate III in Dental Assisting, Diploma in Nursing, Certificate III in Health Support Services & more.
Facilitate and Process the Counselling Relationship and Process – CHCCSL003
Acquire the knowledge needed to support clients to identify and work though concerns, and to manage the overall counselling process to its conclusion. This unit is a major component in courses such as the Diploma in Counselling, Diploma in Mental Health, Diploma in Community Services and Community Support.
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